What does it mean to become an ELITE Coach? | Nola Fit

Over the past week there has been a lot of recognition and announcements floating around the social media world with beautiful flowers and name recognition for coaches who have hit a new level in 2019.

Basically in a nut shell the end of the year numbers were released and some of my business partners kicked some serious butt! I have been getting asked what it means to be an Elite coach and what does one get as an Elite coach so this is why I am writing this today.

What started as a fitness journey has become my passion and income

A lot of my followers see me sharing about clean eating, fitness, support, accountability and motivation. But did you know that there is an entire business behind what I do? Most people don’t quite know how or how I do it but it seems kinda cool! Well actually it is REALLY cool and I absolutely love what I do! I do get paid to help motivate others and keep them on track. Primarily I do that through my challenge groups where I help customize a plan to fit their needs. So no matter if you have been working out for many years or you have not worked out in many years I can help you. I tend to put my own spin on the whole idea of a fitness challenge by incorporating my love for clean eating and teaching my challengers how to truly create a meal plan and follow it so that they see results. It has worked absolutely amazingly and because of my challenge groups I have quite a few people that have wanted to do what I do and begin to coach others. Everyone that I help does not become a coach and it is not expected that they do but the option is always there.

So those that decide to become coaches are enrolled in my coach apprenticeship program where I guide, train and model how to start a business and help others just as I do! I do my best to keep coaches from re inventing the wheel and giving them guidance to feel confident in what they are doing.

There are a select few coaches that really just get the bigger picture and they begin to duplicate their success with their own team members! Those are the elite coaches! They represent the top 1% of the entire Team Network. There are over 400,000 coaches in the organization and the top 1% is Elite.

So what does elite mean?

It means that you as a coach have begun to develop leadership skills and have helped 5 of your coaches achieve diamond status.

It means that you are helping your coaches start challenge groups effectively and your coaches are achieving success club each month as well. It means that you are not just personally selling the programs and products but you are leading people to their own success. Elite is all about how well you can guide those around you! I absolutely love this mentality. I love that you get rewarded for helping your coaches and not just focusing on yourself. This is truly a symbol of good leadership.

What do you get for being an Elite Coach?

You can achieve Elite each year and for the following year you receive these perks. For every month that you personally hit success club you will get a $500 car allowance as a bonus for your achievements. You also receive perks such as Elite events during the success club trip, Coach Summit, and the Leadership Retreat. You get 2 VIP floor passes for Coach Summit for being Elite.

More than all of these rewards is the sense of accomplishment. The sense that you are really starting to develop a team that is leading the way, that is truly helping others and is changing lives. This is where you really start to feel like you are the CEO of your very own company, and that is exactly what you are!!!

If you are interested in running your own successful Fitness Business I encourage you to join my team and get enrolled into my next coach apprenticeship program! I will teach you exactly what I have done to be a successful coach in this organization!

My #1 requirement is that you are here to help others and put the needs of those that you help first. When you keep that your focus on others your financial reward will blow your mind!

i will be an elite coach! 2019 reset and focus. Be Brave! #Goals