Heather's Mini Bikini BootCamp | FREE | 30 Day AB's & 3 Day Shred Plan


ARE you READY to kick the excuses IN JULY !?



I’m looking for 25 go getters who are wanting to get into the best shape of their lives and excuse proof their current situation.


I’ll be doing SPECIFIC (easy) AB WORKOUTS on the daily and giving you a copy of my 3-Day Shred Plan FOR FREE!!!

with a small , exclusive group in my MINI BIKINI BOOTCAMP for a 30-day commitment FROM YOU.

This group is for beginners who are just not sure how to start making workouts a part of your everyday routine.

If you are a BOOTCAMP VET OF MINE or a BARRE-BABE, you are welcome to join us as a SIDE JAM, this will not be your FULL WORKOUT PROGRAM, THIS WOULD BE considered EXTRA....but if you are NEW TO MY TRIBE - this is all I require of you for July - IT'S A GREAT PLACE TO START GETTING THAT body in bikini mode!!

We’ll work together to get you set up with a printable copy of the actual AB CHALLENGE for 30 days along with a FREE COPY OF MY 3-DAY SHRED PLAN to help jump start your new journey.

I'm here to ensure we STICK TO IT .. TOGETHER & kick your booty into high gear.


Let's make this YOUR BEST and most confident summer ever

But you have to START FIRST!!!


STEP 1: GET YOUR PRINTABLE PDF by filling out this link HERE: