What is a Health & Fitness Coach? | How can I become one too?


I’m confused, what do you actually do??



-I help woman with their confidence Join Here

-I teach LIVE BARRE classes locally about 3-5x a week

-I support a group of women who sorta lost themselves in being a mom and wife and all the “things”

-I help women believe in themselves again and get their confidence back

-I help women find their purpose

-I lead a team of fitness and nutrition coaches who help others do the same thing - helping just one person at a time.

-I provide a safe space for women to be really authentic and there is zero judgement only a sisterhood of support and cheerleaders all getting to real similar goals. All like minded. All ages and walks of life.

-I share my FAITH in GOD and help women figure out their life (HIS) assignment

-I workout daily and check in with my virtual TEAM bc we hold each other accountable.

-I help women find their HAPPY self again! #getUnstuck

-I lead with my heart and I show up as my REAL authentic quirky self!!

-I help women start a new life journey that usually leads them into a new found love for health & fitness

-I share what I do in my business so they can do the same and make a side income if they choose to do so Join Here

-I drink my #SexyMommaShake chocolate plant based nutrition & vitamin supplements AKA the healthiest meal of my day every single day without missing for the past 744 days of my life ((hubby too)) our forever game changer!!

-I give people healthy meal plan options and teach them how to eat and live life without feeling restricted to some crazy diet they cannot sustain.

-My TEAM has huge goals and I’d love for you to join us of any of this sounds like YOU!!

AND what’s super cool is most of it is done online 📱📲🖥💻
.Join Here

I love SHOWING UP for my people. I like motivating people to become better and to improve their health! ♥️ I truly lead with a caring heart and soul.


I work out barefoot in my garage every single morning after I have my WWG—> GOD time and journal in my gratitude journal!

I can legit live in lululemon New Orleans tanks and yoga pants!!! Prefer everything in black 🖤🎚

I’ve always been a dancing cheerleader at heart and really loyal… I dance every morning in my kitchen when I shake my unicorn juice and I cheer the loudest for my tribe! 📣 🎚


-I’m an extroverted introvert 🎧

-I love being HOME! 💕

-my FAM is my WHY!!😁

-I don’t eat red meat (only chicken, turkey and fish)✌🏼

-I don’t drink tea or coffee ever!!💯

-I used to live off of Funyuns and Dr Pepper 💋

-I used to drink Diet Coke every morning until 2012!🤦🏼‍♀️

Any excuse to SHOUT OUT to my TEAM & celebrate; I’m there cheering the loudest 🎉


It’s been a daily journey learning to be the strong woman that I am today. I’ve changed more on the inside than the outside honestly.


AND… no matter what, I’m your ride-or-die and always available.

In the ups and downs, we’ll be #FitClub for life!! 👯


Why?!? Cause those are the kinds of bonds you form through life-changing journeys thru #getUnstuck thru fitness, health, nutrition, FAITH and accountability !!! 💯


If you are ready to make a change to improve your health... let’s go! ♥️

I just completed the first phase of work and would love to introduce you to my new favorite workout program that only requires 25 to 30 minutes of your morning!! ☀️


Now’s your time. I’m ready to start the journey with you!

We’ve got this, 👯‍♀️

Your Coach!!! Join here - WHY NOT YOU?
