HE has a BETTER plan!

BEFORE I headed into my workspace this morning, I picked up my messy journal, moved over the the kitchen counter and had a moment!

I took a deep breath, a moment of silence (along with some thunder outside)

I sat down to focus on my usual CREATIVE choreography work for our next design in the Online Studio and I stopped.

I started to flip back in my journal and read some of the things that have happened during this season of life. The worries, the pressure, the stress & the emotions.

It's been intense. Sometimes you work sooooo hard doing all the RIGHT things, holding all the right standards, staying true to your INSTILLED MORALS, setting all the right goals, sharing all the right teachings & learned experiences....... to be completely let down, crushed, and left feeling heart-broken and unworthy.

I took a DEEP breath.
"I know that I am enough." I have value. My efforts are not lost.

I know that I am blessed beyond belief. "I know that I am enough."
I won't obsess over the flaws.
There are lessons to be learned. Learn from this and GROW through this.

Amongst the pages I flipped through, I found this promise I had written and It's a promise I hold on to daily! I share this message in hopes that it may touch someone who needs this today.
Maybe this can be a sprinkle of Monday Motivation for you...
Anything under HIS control is NEVER out of control.

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember HIM in everything you do, and he will show you the right way." (PROV 3:5-6)

I know HE works behind the scenes and I will LEAVE it in HIS capable hands.