help! I need a jump start to de-fluff THIS BLOAT from TURKEY DAY!

do you feel like you fell off track because of the Thanksgiving holiday?
Or do you feel like you fell off of track because it’s 2020??

It’s NOT too late!!? It’s not too late for you to join and do a three day detox with me!!!

I am re-posting the information below because I’ve had a few people reach out to me today asking if we’re still doing this detox, you’re not too late, you can do it at any time in the month of December!!

Just fill out the form using the link below and I will pop in your inbox with all the information you need to get started——


Is there a way to partake in the yummy delights during the holidays without packing on some serious pounds? YES!

Don’t deprive yourself, just eat in moderation and you’re always welcome to join my annual 3-day cleanse that we do every year right after Thanksgiving!

This year we’re aiming to start let’s go ahead fill out the form and get your kit for your 3-day cleanse ready!!

click the link above and then I'll send you an email with the LINK to get started!

xoxo Heather