DO YOU KNOW WHO MARK MANSON IS? You should probably look him up if you are interested in the title of this BLOG POST! His BEST SELLING BOOK literally says it all!

This post subject is important because I’ve always marched single file, maybe some call it a different path - but it's me being true to who I am.

I march to the beat of my own drum & have always done whatever I wanted to do. I've never been one to just follow the crowd! Ever!

It’s just in my blood, the way I was born, the way I was raised. I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again, I’m very fortunate to have grown up with parents who nurtured EXACTLY the person I am. Very Independent.


LIFE TP: you’ll never make everyone happy, so make yourself happy.



2 Huge Ways To Not Care What People Think & Follow Your Dreams:


Everyone goes through a period where their focus shifts out of line & they care too much about what people think. It’s human nature & usually takes a lot of trial & error & self-reflecting to be reminded of what is important.

To know yourself truly is to have the life you want because you set out to obtain and live that life with ZERO cares about other people's opinions. Other people's opinions are just that - their opinion. GOD gave you the dream inside of YOU because you are uniquely you and only you will understand your dreams and goals. Be sure to always keep yourself in check with what feels RIGHT! If it feels out of alignment, it is!


The only true opinion of yourself that should matter is your own.

Sometimes you need your inner circle to give you affirmations & remind you of your worth. But at the end of the day you need to be your biggest fan. That comes from building that relationship with yourself. Knowing your why, & canceling out the white noise.


Your success will prove itself. Whether it’s a rude DM over Instagram or a malicious comment made behind your back, take a minute to process it & move on.

Take a breath. Work thru the emotion.....

Don’t spend more time than necessary focusing on someone who doesn’t deserve your attention. It's not even relevant.

At the end of the day, kill em’ with kindness & the power of your ability to move forward. Know your worth & the ones who actually matter will support you. Keep kicking BOOTY & let haters kick their own BUTTS.

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