Where are your thoughts right now? | Together we will get through this! Heather Newman Fitness

REACH toward your ultimate health this WEEK during my virtual class experiences!

I’m working on my playlist now. Did you BOOK online to earn those points to LEVEL UP?? !! Your points can be redeemed for gifts and prizes.🥳


Booking your classes online allows you to plug into the APP, book The time you plan to work out online for :10 minutes every day and earn those points!! Yup just :10 minutes. Now what’s your excuse?? It’s NOT that you don’t have time.

Everybody’s got 10 minutes to invest in your ultimate health. ———————— You are worth it!!! BOOK NOW

No matter how blurry the past may be, now is the time to see yourself in the healthy life you want to live.


A life of movement, nourishment and self-love that is all your own.


together, we will make sense of it all!!

How to avoid burnout!!!🔥🔥🔥

We all have it sometimes… And those meltdowns are the worst. You constantly feel exhausted and you start to lose your passion for the things you used to love.
💥I’ve been there too and I am going to give you my best tips to survive and avoid these burnout 🔥🔥🔥 situations, trust me. There’s always a light at the end of the tunnel!

DAY 13 #BootyChallenge 🌸 great job!!

It’s not too late to join & It’s free.
Get your FREE 30-day workout schedule at ToneN10.com 👇🏼 JUST enter your email to get the link to print your schedule now www.ToneN10.com

.......More coming Friday on the podcast —> be sure to subscribe

Subscribe to PODCAST HERE


“For those of you who don’t know much about me...” With so many wonderful new friends joining our online TONE studio classes (THANK YOU - WE ARE REALLY SEEING SOME FUN ENERGY & RESULTS THERE)....I wanted to share that I always speak from my heart - ALWAYS!!!

during every Online Class and Virtual Experience.

I urge you ALL to remember - treating our bodies well both physically and mentally is the best way to stay healthy.


Catch the bonus clips in the private studio at every LEVEL.....there are some awesome surprises during filming at the end (🤣) and follow the link in bio to get moving! JOIN HERE: www.ToneN10.com

Did you see that ......

has officially been out 8 MONTHS and we already have plenty great REVIEWS!!! 🎉

Lots of you who have posted a review on Amazon & HAD IT APPROVED!

➡️ If you have left a review on Amazon and it’s been approved, thank you so much for taking the time to do so! It truly means a lot to us!

➡️ If you haven’t reviewed the guide yet, please do so as this helps more ladies hit their health goals when searching for a guide on Amazon!
Also, it has 5 out of 5 stars!!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

➡️ Please continue SHARING about our Sugar Detos Guide on your socials! We love seeing you use it & featuring your images on our stories!
As always, thank you for continued support and being apart of our SD7 tribe! Have a great week friends & happy detoxing!!!

If you haven't tried the DETOX yet, i'm going to be posting more about it in here to HELP us all cut out some ADDICTIVE SUGARS if you are wanting help in this area.....Would you be interested?? Please let me know if you've tried it, OR if you want to do a group with it as a 7-day challenge together?

————— www.sugarDetox7.com

or here: https://amzn.to/2POQtM4
