That’s just it... we have to see the bigger picture and that changing your life means tackling the tough stuff!!!⠀
. I remember when I learned about clean eating and started tracking - it was the biggest ah - ha moments of my life. Ohh that handful of goldfish is a serving of carbs, that glass of wine x2 is two more carbs, that piece of pizza (1 more carb) and I thought I was doing pretty good bc I didn’t eat the whole bag of goldfish or 3 pieces of pizza. I was just missing the mark bc I wasn’t tracking and being honest with myself..... ⠀ Did this hit a nerve?⠀ Do you see where you could be going wrong or went wrong in the past?⠀ How will this time be different?!⠀
if you are ready for some tough love, life changing support & accountability just in time for our summer months!!⠀LEARN MORE BY FILLING OUT THIS FORM and we can get you on a lifestyle path that will get you where you REALLY want to be: ⠀ ☀️☀️I got you!!! 💓