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This IZZZZ my heart ❤️,
I express gratitude every single DAY in my journal and.......You guys…
My word for 2019 was
I AM still so in shock that I DID IT!!! I finally published a helpful book!!
I think I am still trying to believe what was once just a DREAM on my DREAM BOARD—-> you see I told you it works—-, an orange sticky note on my MAC, is now a reality.
I am a published author.
I am teaching others how to increase their metabolism, fuel their body and minds with the good stuff and fight disease the right way. I own them all, I read every single book trying to figure it out and make it as simple as possible without it being 300 pages! My book is the easiest step-by-step plan that worked for me so I bundled it up in the most simplest form with recipes and a plan that anyone can implement. All you have to do is highlight the recipes that you want to eat plug them in the right slots and Challenge yourself to stick to the plan for 3 to 7 days at a time.
I give you a full grocery list and if it’s not on the list, you just don’t eat it. It’s that simple.
I have YOU to thank you for EVERYTHING!!!
I think I am still trying to believe that this easy to follow 7-Day plan is all wrapped up in a simple & easy to follow book available on Amazon.com today!! I even included a journal in the back along with some really valuable testimonies from some wonderful people who had great success and continue to use this guide as their go to!!!
I think I am still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that I actually did it.
..... it’s true, if you search “Heather Newman” on Amazon, the woman who wrote the book you find is over here doing a little happy dance because her HELP is out there in ink..... in something that you can throw in your carry-on bag, in something that you can place on your coffee table, in something that you can keep by your side in your kitchen!!! make it your own, highlight the things you love about it, reach out to me I am your personal coach and I’ve got plenty of free resources for you to combine with your copy.
If you haven’t got a copy yet, there is oneready to be shipped to your door via PRIME.
This isn’t Just a sugar detox.
This is A total game changer.
Sugar is the devil!
And and you can manage the addiction!!
shop 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
