Coming Soon..... New Pom Pom Barre Babe Beanies! Limited Edition hats will be available for purchase on my ETSY WEBSITE beginning tomorrow [November 10] at 6am CST.
These adorable knit beanies are made with LOVE along with our new hoodie/hoody "after this, we're getting mimosas!" - There will be very limited number available so be sure to snag yours tomorrow before they sell out (link in bio) - you can go to http://ed.gr/dqqzl and click on SHOP APPAREL ONLINE EXCLUSIVE/MERCH or just head on over to the ETSY SHOP at "HEATHERNEWMANFITNESS" -
Be sure to tag #heathernewmanfitness once you get your new FALL GYM GEAR!! #heathernewmanfitness #pompombarrebabebeanie #giftidea