Thank you for trusting me, thank you for confiding in me, thank you for being part of my journey, thank you for joining me on this journey, thank you for NOT UNFOLLOWING ME, thank you for reading my posts, and THANK YOU to those of you who have started your VERY OWN JOURNEY! I believe in you and i'm routing for you! This journey has not been an EASY ONE for sure but as I invested in myself and figured THINGS out along the way, i've been sharing all of the TIPS and tools, hacks and tricks that i've put into place that have really had the biggest impact on my personal life and in my business! Thank you to ALL OF YOU who have ALWAYS been here supporting my efforts to HELP OTHERS and serve you!
I'm giving away my pride and joy list - the things that had the biggest impact on my TIME and my energy and my attitude..... I MADE MYSELF do these things when I really didn't think I could! Before I could even start my health and fitness journey - I had to start WITH FINDING THE TIME TO MAKE IT HAPPEN! Ironically enough, most of the people I talk to on the daily start with "I just don't have enough time or I there just aren't enough hours in the day" Well.....let's start here. Print this baby out, pretend I'm personally handing it to you with a HUGE HUG and keep it with you. READ it every evening and every morning. Circle the ONE thing that you know you CAN DO and let's just start there. I know, after you've gotten all 15 TIPS AND TRICKS under your belt and have implemented them one by one, you will begin to SEE changes happening and I cannot wait to hear all about it! Please share this with your bestie, and see if you can challenge each other to implement some changes to FIND MORE TIME in your day! Tag someone on your TEAM TOO - they might need this baby also!!
Luv ya, Heather