Keeping it simple, Jennifer Aniston sticks to a low-key system that helps her happy and well for years. NOTE: all words in pink are links - if they do not work, simply refresh the page!
She meditates and journals!!! - yes!!! me too!! lol "Meditation, that's a no - brainer, she says. I also journal and if I don't get to do that, it's a real bummer. research indicates that starting your day more mindfully like Aniston means you're more likely to have a better day, rather than reaching for your phone and scrolling thru social media first thing!
SHE AMPS UP HER GET AND AND GO DRINK - for me - that's my Unicorn Juice but for Aniston it's coffee but she does add collagen to her coffee.
She walks her dogs - The has 3 dogs - Clyde, Sophie and Lord Chesterfield.... she walks them every morning.
SHE SPENDS THE FIRST HOUR TOTALLY SCREEN-FREE - oh how I love this! I am honestly putting this in my practice daily as well. Something we could aspire to - leaving our phone alone for the first hour or two of the day. Easier said than done but it's a habit she swears by.
NO PHONES, NO EMAIL, NO TEXTING and no social media. No looking at any of that for a good hour. She highly recommends doing a week of it and you won't believe the difference she says!!