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7-Day Sugar detox guide
Pre-order & Beta Testing now
What's a BETA launch?
A BETA launch is a TEST group to get feedback and testimonials before the final product is actually sent to publishing.
Heather is currently taking applications to be a part of this BETA TEST group that begins on 9/3/19. Your testimonial could be a part of the publication if chosen and you get a copy of the
7 day sugar detox guide.
Beta Testing application dates:
Apply between August 10 - 13 for a FREE guide.
Apply August 14 - 20 for only $5 cost of guide.
Apply August 21 - 31 for $7 cost of guide.
You may choose to PRE-ORDER a COPY of the 7-Day Sugar Detox Guide to do "on your own time" (not be a part of the Beta Test Group) before the publication actually goes on sale by clicking here now to PRE-ORDER.
Once the actual 7-Day Sugar Detox Guide is finalized and published to the public the price will go up.
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