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Hand Weights

Working out is something that should be on your TO DO list daily. A good 10 minute quality workout is better than nothing at all! That's right - give it 10 minutes out of your day and results will follow. Yes we all know that ABS are made in the kitchen, not the gym....but every little bit counts and helps. I keep this set of dumbells in my garage or on my back patio as an easy grab/go to weight any time of the day. Routines are best for effective workouts but when life gets in the way and you don't have time to hit the gym - make sure you always have some sort of weights around for some type of weight training. Biceps, triceps and shoulders can be shaped just by using some small "lady weights" as I call them just like these! It's also a great idea to keep a couple sizes in the trunk of your car (you never know when you can squeeze in a walk) and the added weights can improve the quality of your time management. xx H

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