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Neck Firming Cream

This deserved it's OWN post on my blog! As we are well we age - our skin starts to lose it's youthful firm status. Sad but true.

We will not go down without a fight!

As you've seen on my SnapChat (HummerDriver) I have and use a lot of different beauty products. I like medical grade products the most. There is one neck cream that is worth the splurge. Let's be real, it costs less than a surgical procedure and for now - this does the trick!!

I apply this every evening after taking off my makeup and doing my regular evening face routine (always depends on my time how much I can actually do) .... but I am soooooo pleased with the results and so much that I actually repurchased it 2x now so I figured it was time to let you in on this little yellow secret - It does cost $95 but here's the deal. It last 6-9 months because it's only for your neck and you don't need a lot. The container is a pretty big size too! So if it lasts you 9 months like mine does - that's really only $10 per month for NO TURKEY NECK!!

Here it is:

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