I've posted about this shoe in the past - but I had to answer some questions from SnapChat and figured this platform would be the easiest for reference in the future! I am going to post photos of the best nude shoe for every outfit first and then I'm going to share the shoe that I've purchased for my vacation (lots of walking in the future) - I just don't want to look like a granny while still having comfort and style - you know what I mean??
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Best Nude Shoe ever - goes with everything (jeans, dresses, cropped, black, denim, etc)
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Jeans | Shoes (link in photo above this one) | or see this blog post
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All links can be found here in this blog post
Ok, here is my #1 pick for traveling in style - a wedge (3") with comfort and support that will last you all day thru walking. I'm not very tall (5'3") so flat sandals don't really make me feel anything but short and frumpy to be honest. Everyone wants a longer looking leg - so here's my pick! I'll update my photos and blog once they come in -
I've done my homework and these are my #1 pick - xx H
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