MONDAY, what a busy day along with the busiest month of the year! How are you doing with your time management?
Today kicks off my team's Ab's & Accountability Challenge that will lead us into New Year's Eve! If you want to hear all about THIS is your opportunity! Here is the application to sign up for existing or new customers/coaches of mine or my teams
Photo Details: HO HO HO Tank | Ugg boots | Striped yoga pants or this option | Black slimming tank
Yesterday, my friends and I had our annual baking event! Brownie balls 13 year Anniversary! FOUNDED IN 2004.....So much fun cutting up and lots of laughs and 405 Balls! This year, because we are eating cleaner - they will mostly be given as gifts. DANG IT! However, I stuck a few - as I had to make sure they tasted ok, right?! So much fun. Do you have an annual baking tradition?