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Sugar is the Devil: 7-Day Sugar Detox TEST GROUP is OPEN for FREE!!!

Sometimes you have to put things into perspective. Sometimes you have to really take note of what is TRULY important and get clarity all around you.... REALLY TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT all of the things that are going on in your world.....regroup, refocus and find the most important THING you have going on RIGHT NOW (live in the moment and inhale it ALLLLLLLL)........

Once you decide what your goals are, what your THING is right now, you will DEVOTE your time to that and you WILL recognize this is what you really care about. What's your thing RIGHT NOW? Remember whatever your THING will FEEL REALLY GOOD ABOUT IT, even if it's for JUST RIGHT NOW! ---------------------------- For those of you who have been asking about my "Sugar is the Devil-7-Day Sugar Detox" BETA TEST GROUP, I have some good news! I want you to join us. The deadline is Sunday at Noon to join us - YES, IT'S FREE - all I am requiring of you is (1) to commit to this SUGAR DETOX for 7 days starting September 3-9 (2) Submit your testimonial with consent for publication in my book release - THAT'S IT!

So before going any further, take a moment to fill out this quick questionnaire and Heather will email you with the link to


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