It’s almost a NEW MONTH again! Can you believe it?
That means there is literally no better time to set goals and get your head in the right place to really start achieving some of your BIG DREAMS & goals!
I know what you are thinking...I tried that and then BAM - 2020! HIT like a ton of bricks. Well, I too had BIG DREAMS for this year that got me flustered but here is the deal. We can sit back and have a pity party all year long - OR WE CAN PIVOT and pick up the pieces and plan out another strategy to get to what where we want to.
So, let's let today be a RESET button! TODAY - not Monday, but TODAY - let's get out that DREAMS AND GOALS notebook and let's just start fresh. Look back at your JANUARY DREAM BOARD (if you didn't do one, now is the time to do it ----> CLICK HERE FOR A FULL WORKSHOP ON HOW TO DO THIS - it's so much fun!
Setting goals is so rewarding, and I have some tips to help ensure you will be successful in attaining the goals you set out to accomplish.
It can be easy to create BIG HUGE FUN goals for yourself and then get lost in the execution. It’s helpful to set a larger goal and then make actionable, smaller goals to complete along the way to hold yourself accountable. CLICK HERE FOR MY HELP WITH THIS
Make the larger goals you’re reaching for seemingly unattainable. The higher you aim, the more you’re able to stretch yourself and grow.
Once you have set your goals and your smaller action steps, put them where you can see them every day. You could write them on your mirror, put them on your phone, make a sticky note on your computer - wherever you’ll constantly be reminded of what you’re working towards! Learn how to do this step by step here in a tiny little workshop I put together for you!
Take a quick peak at this blog post to see if there is something here to help you make a small change today....
This might help you speed up your results! click here
Once I started surround myself with a positive community and fueling my body with the best in nutrition, not only was I more TONED AND STRONG, my mindset had shifted. Maybe there is some of YOU TOO in my story! Let's workout together -
If you are not sure where to start your path to clean eating - My book is the first place all of my clients start. It's a easy to follow RESOURCE and guide that has everything you need to get you started on a clean eating journey. It comes with a full grocery list and recipes to plug and plan your clean eating meals for a full 7-days! It's not just a way to cut out SUGAR - it's so much more. It's an easy to follow PLAN to get you the results you are looking for without having to guess. I've done all the work and I share it all with you here to shed the inches and fluff! You CAN combat those stubborn aging hormones! I promise if you follow my easy plan here: I highly suggest the hard copy vs the kindle version. You'll want to keep going back to this guide again and again when you need to boost your metabolism - especially after vacations, weddings, parties, etc when we tend to SPLURGE and have a little too much fun.......:) ORDER HERE