Have you ever heard the saying, "If you don’t step out of your comfort zone and face your fears, the number of situations that make you uncomfortable will keep growing.” . In my most recent social media post, I talked about one of my favorite topics to coach women (really anyone could use these tips) on , I get completely fired up and really passionate about these 7 things! . You have to face yourself sometimes in the mirror and really get to the root of what might be holding you back from living out some of your dreams. I always tell my clients that "ONE DAY" is not a day!!! . At some point in your life or career I’m sure you’ve wanted to do something- or really go for something BIG OR BIGGER than where you are now - or make some sort of a life change- but couldn’t or wouldn’t because you weren’t sure the exact steps on how to move forward on the thing. . And what I have come to find our just thru my personal journey is that you actually gain clarity by taking the FIRST STEP! I’m SHARING these 7 things for you to PIN next to your computer or put up on your vanity mirror in order to MAKE THE CHANGE and go for it - to be the success you know you truly are. It's actually a fun little exercise that I do with 1:1 clients ---> you ready?
Step 1. Grab a highlighter Step 2. Download your FREE printable here: (it's in my bio if you are on instagram too) Step 3. Print it out. Setp 4. Highlight the ones that APPLY to you.
YOU CAN DO THIS - just take this small little quiz and see where you ARE as far as moving toward your own personal definition of SUCCESS - I would love for you to share your results with me or if you found this helpful at all