We’re bringing you an all new look for your phone to go with your TONE/better/stronger body and mindset. Here’s to a new POSITIVE month!
I’m gonna level with you: it’s going to be a battle with all the LIFE THINGS going on but hey, there will always be something that is going to get in our way of trying to stay on track. But we’re gonna get through it with a little help from HOW TO LOSE INCHES FASTER and the SELF LOVE WORKBOOK!!!!!!
It’s so easy to save these to your phone and set them as your wallpaper. In case you forgot though…
On your phone, tap the image you want ABOVE to open a new window.
Then tap and hold down on the image you want to save. A menu will pop up: click “Save Image.”
Go to your Settings app, click on Wallpaper, then “Choose a New Wallpaper.” Select the photo you just saved and bam…cute phone. Almost as cute as you.
Think of it as your constant reminder of how far you’ve come!