Did you see the PART 1 of this 2 part post series? If not, PAUSE here - and please go back and read PART 1 first here.... READ BLOG POST PART 1

This is about a life change, a fresh start and not some crash diet or magic pill.
You need to make a decision to commit to YOU!
Daily improvements and good choice towards a better healthier you.
Get in this for the long haul! Yes, you'll see results in as little as a week and get a serious jaw dropping transformation in 21 days. But if you Take what you learn during those 21 days , you'll change your life.
When I first started this journey, I would check into my challenge group every morning, post my workout , rate myself and my efforts, share what I ate the day before and ask for help in the areas I struggled with. That group really was my support within the comfort of my own home!
I don't know about you, but I am not always a gym person. Yes, of course I love the studio - (yoga, pilates, barre)...and I teach there 5x a week.....but I truly don't like feeling like a have to share equipment or be judged by people and honestly, I just like my space and be able to go FULL out at a workout and KNOW no one is watching. And if I want to wear my pj's and slippers to workout - SO BE IT! The commute is FROM MY KITCHEN TO MY GARAGE.....how cool is that?!
Lets face it, its easy to skip a workout, to not make healthy food choices and of course to ignore the feeling in your gut to dig deeper if you don't have that accountability! That's the secret about the atmosphere I create!
It's not about a shake and a box of workouts on FITFLIX.
Its about being a part of something more and knowing that you matter to others.
I Declare it's only about 55 days until SPRING...... AND I want to invite you to join me in a 3 week Bootcamp! I want to help you Meal Prep, Plan and Eat Clean! Learn how to properly fuel your body for energy, weight loss, and how to make this a lifestyle change vs temporary fix. All you have to do is follow my lead and actually do the work in the VIRTUAL FIT GYM......
I am going to share my TOOLBOX of meal planning tips and tricks, give you recipes, tips and ideas to help you achieve your goals.
Whether its 5lbs or 50 lbs I can help!
I really truly love what I do and I love seeing other people achieve AMAZING results.
If this sounds like something you would like to start , I am inviting you to join me on
All you need to do is commit to a fitness program which we can decide on together, you replace 1 meal a day with my sexy momma superfoods smoothies and in return I will add you to my exclusive online accountability and support group where each day you will get group support from me, daily motivation, daily check ins and the ultimate accountability!

Fill out the Application form Below and Lets get this process Started TODAY!