When you begin to believe in your abilities, you begin to prove to yourself your capabilities. Building courage to try something new is what it takes to get to the NEXT LEVEL!!
I this weeks TONE VIP PROGRAM we discuss what it takes to trust yourself and believe that you can take the leap of faith!!
Did you miss this weekends LIVE WORKOUTS - they were full of good stretching & self love routines that you can keep on repeat!!
DO YOU STRUGGLE WITH DRINKING? DO YOU NOT KNOW WHEN ENOUGH IS ENOUGH? There is a fine line between "socially drinking" and having an addiction. I loved this article and I wanted to share it with you! My choice to QUIT DRINKING is my own, for my own personal reasons and i've never felt better! I don't judge those who drink often but I do wonder if it is BEING DONE AS AN ESCAPE and if it is, how could your life be better that you didn't feel you needed to look for that ESCAPE so often?
Time flies when you're having fun! Rolling into Week 2 of my #TONEVIPPROGRAM FOR FEB!!! We love the stretching and meditation sessions from home on the weekends, they are so refreshing to help us release tension and de-stress. Get ready because MONDAYS WORKOUT IS NO JOKE - It's ALL ABOUT FEELING CONFIDENT and getting your sexy back (JT)......HIIT!!!! Get ready!!! It's no joke!
You can still join us ya know!
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