OK GIRLFRIEND!! I know it's been tough, with SPRING Concerts & Festivals and all ya'll.....I've been watching you party your BOOTY OFF, eatin' those fest foods, sipping those cocktails, drinking all the booze & wine, Slamming those high calorie delicious chocolate martini drinks and feeling BLOATED LIKE A PUFFER FISH the days following - I'm glad you are having fun......... . . But it's time to buckle down and grab my BRAND NEW EBOOK that comes with my 7-DAY SKINNY SHRED COURSE/PROGRAM! We're gonna get stronger, lose fat, gain energy and YES! YOU CAN DO THIS at any age!!! . Last call to get $30 OFF of my latest SKINNY SHRED PROGRAM....It's time to get sexy slimmer arms, a perky booty and TONED BACK.... - On demand video trainings by me for each exercise Daily workout plan that doesn't take that much time at all and you do it from HOME on your time, when you feel up to it 7 Day MEAL PLAN - i give you a grocery list to get serious about your RESULTS IN 7 DAYS - ---- When to eat, what to eat
Are you ready to become a FULL-on TONE VIP GIRL? My TONE VIP PROGRAM unlocks a FIT LIFESTYLE -at your fingertips, when you need it, to do from the comfort of your own home - whenever and wherever you want. It includes FULL MEMBER PORTAL ACCESS to everything fitness, workouts, exercises, monthly calendars, monthly workout plan, nutrition options, supplement suggestions, BONUS WORKOUTS, meditations, book of the month, FREE MONTHLY EBOOK AND RESOURCE GUIDE that you keep forever! You can pay monthly or annually - and download your FREE TOOLS to keep FOREVER - they are evergreen FIT LIFE RESOURCES designed for WOMEN OUR AGE! When you’re ready join us ToneN10.com
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