I’m not saying exercise is bad. I love exercise! I love fitness. I love dancing. I love walking.....and I just love MOVEMENT!!
What I am saying is exercise, done in the wrong amounts can backfire and stall your weight loss efforts.
When your lifestyle requires you to show up at such a fast pace, throwing your body into more stress (even like intense exercise) will do the EXACT opposite of your goals.
It’s literally like throwing gasoline on a fire. Your body can’t handle the extra load.
If you’re suffering from: -Bloat and gut related issues -Depression/Anxiety -Weight gain that won’t seem to go away -Unrelenting stress -Inflammation -Lack of energy -Broken sleep
If you’re currently looking for a women’s simple 2-STEP fat loss protocol that’ll help you get your body and metabolism back in balance, type "RESULTS" in the subject line here......and I’ll send you a PDF via email with all the details!
It's what has worked for me, my team and hundreds of women who implemented this simple 2-step protocol.....and it's not hours of intense workouts/training or extreme cardio!