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MY TOP Fitness Hacks: How to get motivated | GLITTERU.COM

Today we are going to talk about working out - all of my fitness hacks - how to get motivated.....

If you are not following me already over on the GRAM, know that I do have a few accounts. My blog gram is at & my fitness account is at :

Let's be for real, not everyone wants to workout every day - we all have bad days - YES EVEN ME - when I don't teach BARRE and hang with my BarreBabes or when I'm not in full blown BOOTYCAMP mode with my online Fit squad, sometimes i'm not so motivated to get moving...either!

Sometimes it really depends on WHAT I ATE THAT DAY as to how I'm feeling - food really does affect our energy level and mind set (read more here)

If you haven't seen this already.....Be sure to hop on over here real quick (click here)

If I wait too late during the day to get my workout in - it just won't happen, period. So I know what you are thinking - well, i have to get to work or just get my work done...... and i don't have time to get in a workout before work, HONESTLY - this is just an excuse -

WE HAVE TIME RIGHT NOW - ESPECIALLY BEING AT HOME: Stop telling yourself you don't have time and just do the dang thing. MAKE TIME. Block out :10 minutes for yourself - yes, I said :10 minutes - we all have :10 minutes - come on now! I created a new ONLINE STUDIO that is soooooo my passion and something I've been wanting to create and do for so long - and like I tell you daily, just DO IT, stop putting it off - what are you waiting for? well, it's not perfect yet but it's gonna be and WE ARE HAVING A BLAST IN THERE - It's called Tone:N:10 and it's an online studio where you can become a member by deciding on the plan or subscription that is right for you. There is even a way to TRY IT OUT FOR ONE DAY to see what's it's all about - find out more by clicking here - anyway, it's my baby and i am you personal online fitness instructor bringing you workouts to do in the :10 minutes pockets of time you have to invest in your health & fitness. You can advance along the way with points and prizes and rewards! It's a load of fun (i try to make working out fun).......I think you are going to love this option - honestly - go check it out - I'd love to have you workout with me today!!! Just in :10 minutes! Mondays are stretch, Tuesday is full body, Wednesdays we work on core & tummy, Thursdays we do arms, Fridays we work on booty and legs and Saturdays we do some BARRE BURN!!!! I really think you'll love it - be sure to grab your 30 day workout schedule for free too at !!!!!

Now if that isn't gonna work for you and you say you don't have time to workout......IT SIMPLY means that you are not making it a priority - PERIOD.

Say this to yourself, "I am not taking care of my body by working out because it's simply not a priority to me"

Repeat that and let that sink in because that is the HARD TRUTH MY FRIEND. That comes from a good loving place in my heart. I am not trying to be mean here. It's just some tough love that you might need to hear. (insert eye roll right?!@#$%^)

If you are on your own game plan for working out - i want to ask you "how is that working for you?"

I highly suggest trying to wake up one hour earlier - even if you don't workout for an hour (i workout for :30 minutes a day from my home gym) - it's not easy at first but it's my number one HACK TO GET ER' DONE! Start setting your alarm one hour earlier and if that's too big of a stretch, try setting it :15 minutes earlier and just wake enough time to get some jumping jacks in and some crunches or 3-4 planks at minimum to start this new earlier workout habit. It will set the tone for your entire day - trust me on this one!

But, Heather, I am just NOT A MORNING PERSON!!! Hold up, gf , I got you!!! I have gone from the girl who could not get out of the bed before 9am ever - the snooze was hit 4 times minimum and I just would not want to get up - trust me - to the girl who wakes up at 6am every single day!!! So how in the world did I do that right? MY BIGGEST TIP is to have the RIGHT SET UP! And what I mean by the right set up is this:

#1 - Do not sleep with your phone right next to your bed!

and if you don't have this APP - I'M PRETTY SURE YOU NEED IT - CHECK IT OUT!

it's called Alarmy app and it makes you get up and do something for the alarm to stop - it is super cool and perfect for the snooze master!

#2 - Another great item to invest in is a SUNRISE ALARM CLOCK - if you don't have this, I highly suggest you try this type of alarm clock - it's the perfect solution!

Those are my best two tips to waking up earlier and getting your day off on the right track! This small change in habit is LIFE-CHANGING - honestly - it takes a little bit to get adjusted but once you do, you'll never want to waste your life away in the bed again.

My next tip is to take some PRE-WORKOUT! Get something pumping in you right away to get started on the right HAPPY FOCUSSED PATH to get it done! This version that I drink is CLEAN AND HEALTHY - I won't talk about other companies and other products but i've done my research and this is MY GO TO - if you are a coffee drinker, that might work for you - My Unicorn Juice is DELICIOUS!!! JUST get something to get your blood flowing. One scoop does it for me.

Next, blast your music!! Find your very own power song - and let that be your GO TO song - your go to JAM! The workout can actually be the thing that gets you going -

What I do is livestream my workout online (this is a different online option for you - I am not the instructor with these workouts but.....) I get online with all of my BFF's in my FIT club (the BRAND NEW TONE COMMUNITY IS A DIFFERENT ONLINE STUDIO ) - I blast my music and drink my unicorn juice

Music is a great way to get you pumped up .....make a new playlist that makes you want to move.

Another great tip is HAVING CUTE WORKOUT CLOTHES - I know that sounds crazy right - well, it can make a bad workout or no workout - a REALLY GOOD WORKOUT YOU GUYS!!! The magic is in the little things that make us happy!! I share some of my favorite daily go to's here: click here

Whenever you hit a particular goal that you've set for yourself, maybe reward yourself with a new pair of yoga pants or tennis shoes - whatever lights your spark ya know!

Do not base things off of the freaking scale, base it off of HOW YOU FEEL!! i highly recommend taking progress photos every single day - it is truly the only way I can see change happening in my body during each and every program!

Bribe yourself with some cool fitness gear. If you plank longer for 10 days straight or if you finish a 21 day workout program - REWARD YOURSELF and let it NOT BE ABOUT FOOD!!!

If you wear something you are proud to wear for a workout, it's such a big deal. It puts your mood in a different state. Forever 21 has some great GYM CLOTHES that are reasonable on pricing!! Gym Shark is also another brand that is not so expensive.

Pull out your workout outfit the night before. That way it's grab and go!! No hesitation in the morning!

Last and final tip: Have gear to workout with. My workouts, don't require workout gear typically to simplify everything....but workout bands (those can travel with me) you can grab some off of amazon!

The consistency will become a habit and the lack of motivation will go away because it will be ingrained. But know that the "days of not wanting to" will never go away but you get results by sticking to it even on the days you don't want to.

Let me know if you have any tips and tricks how you stay on track and get up early to get a workout in ON THE DAILY!!

If you are on the struggle bus for nutrition right now, I have the perfect solution - HONESTLY, it's my workbook & guide - try it out! IT WORKS and everything is super simple and spelled out - easy to follow! There are some everyday go to recipes for detox smoothies and water options in there too!

xx, H


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