[THE MAINTENANCE MACHINE is the process of bridging your calories up to maintenance levels. This is commonly done after a SHRED but can be implemented to help with consistency with your diet. For those who are low calorie from chronic dieting or someone wanting to build muscle without the fat gain of going into a surplus.] . MUSCLE BUILDING and SHEER MAGIC; THIS NEW PROGRAM are what DREAMS are made of!!! Drop an emoji if you’re DREAMING about joining THE SKINNY SHRED for 3 weeks (it's transforming into a 3 week program for better results, THE MAINTENANCE MACHINE: 6 week program or THE VIP MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP today!!!
To my OG's - YOU ARE LOCKED IN ---no rate increases for you....... I want to say THANK YOU for sticking with me THRU IT ALL and we are still LEARNING, GROWING, PIVOTING AND LIVING a healthy LIFE! . I WORK HARD to deliver my best workouts, exercises, options, programs, meal guides, resource guides, recipes, programs TO YOU via this INTERNET so you don't even need to leave your home if you don't want to. BUT ALL OF THE TONE PROGRAMS CAN BE DONE AT THE GYM TOO! I'm so passionate about helping WOMEN reach their HAPPINESS through fitness - with simple step by step programs THAT WORK! No fads, No pills, No STARVATION DIETS ---- real results that build muscle and really show that living a healthy lifestyle is indeed possible. It's so nice to have a program lined out with a Coach, Trainer and Instructor who is there to guide you along when you fall off track - because you will, we all do! . I am so freaking stoked to share what I'VE DONE, what i've been up to, WHAT I'VE TWEAKED along the way and TO OFFER YOU THE BRAND NEW MAINTENANCE MACHINE 6 week program - run by me, designed by me, modified by me - it's everything I'VE BEEN DOING and everything that's BEEN WORKING FOR ME lately! This MID-LIFE BELLY BLOAT STUFF is no joke! . PIVOTs in life are needed. PIVOTs in life are necessary to GROW! I'll be sharing more as this AMAZING PROGRAM unfolds and get ready for THE LAUNCH! If you are not on my mailing list yet be sure you get on there so you'll be the first to get on the WAITLIST. This program will only be offered 3X a year because it is a 6-week program and I INTEND ON COACHING YOU and giving you EVERYTHING I'VE GOT to put into it!