Enrollment is open! Act fast if you want to snag a coached spot! You can get all the specific details by clicking the INFO link below---this does not sign you up for the program! It gets you the DETAILS in your inbox!
The SUMMERSHRED with Heather is based off of the PORTION CONTROL eating (WE DO NOT COUNT CALORIES ON THIS SHRED) using a specific FOOD ITEM LIST you'll receive in your program in order for you to choose your delicious food options from. You simply grab the list and highlight all of the things you love to eat. NO FADS, NO PILLS, just a simple system that you can implement in your LIFE!
It is similar to the ole' "military diet", also called the3-day diet, which is a weight loss system that can help you lose up to 7-10 pounds in a week. The SUMMERSHRED plan involves a 3-day meal plan followed by 4 days off, and the weekly cycle is repeated again and again until you reach your goal weight. YOU HAVE FREEDOM to do this on any 3 days you choose! It's PERFECT for your SUMMER SCHEDULE and can be done before and after vacations!
Heather will provide you with the PROGRAM that is super easy to follow.
You want to allow yourself one week to PREP for the 3 DAY SUMMERSHRED in order to purge your pantry, refrigerator and your kitchen from anything that can derail you.
If you're a person who FALLS OFF TRACK every weekend, this SHRED PROGRAM is for you.
It will be your solution to "WHAT SHOULD I EAT TO SHREDthe weight" and allow you to eat NORMAL on your OFF DAYS (not binge)
Have you heard what's new??
PUSH COACHED SHRED program upgrade. You can upgrade the SUMMER SHRED program to the PUSH coached option (spots are limited & will sell out quick) and get bi-weekly check ins, meal plan adjustments, and 1:1 accountability & access to me!
With the PUSH COACH option, you will have lifetime access to the FULL TONEN10.COM program--this includes daily :10 minute workouts to get rid of love handles and bat wings.....