IF YOU'D LIKE THIS SCHEDULE IN A printable PDF FILE, I can email it to you - just drop me an EMAIL here
If you are not a member of TEAM NOLA FIT online FIT GYM - You can still get these workouts from my "FIT-FLIX" program option - I have a FREE 14 DAY TRIAL you can sign up for here:
JUST use the drop down to arrow down to the "3-month option" and it will be FREE! Or you can get a full year of these amaze ball workouts for only $99 and cancel at any time - it's over $4000 worth of trainers and workout programs - I know, .27 cents a day - like WHAT!! and the full Yoga retreat is one of very my favorites!!!
And of course if you are not sure or have any questions, I am your coach and always willing to help you, of course - don't be afraid to reach out! XX. H